Greetings & Happy Holidays!
The East Lake County Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce
the Annual “12 Days Of Christmas!” Fundraiser!
Here’s a little bit about “12 Days…!” and how it works.
Tickets are sold from November 1st through November 30th,
for $10/each or 3 for $25!
Then…beginning on Monday of the first full week in December,
we will hold daily drawings.
On the first drawing day, the “12th Day of Christmas”, 12 prizes awarded,
the second drawing day, the “11th Day of Christmas”, 11 prizes awarded
and so on down through the “1st Day of Christmas” when one lucky winner
will receive $500 CHRISTMAS CASH!!!
The $500 CHRI$TMA$ CA$H Is
Proudly Sponsored By
This is a total of 78 prizes in all! WOW! Merry Christmas!!!
Gifts and Donations from our community people and businesses
will fill out the 78 prize packages.
Each of the 78 prizes will have a minimum package prize value of $50.00,
so we ask that your generous prize Donation have that minimum amount.
You are welcome to provide as many prizes as you like,
and you will be acknowledged for each Donation you make.
Donations do NOT have to be a company branded item at all.
Whatever your Donation, you will
be given full publicity of that Donation!
Gifts and Donations can be:
We do ask that your Gift/Donation not be a “discount” or “coupon”
for something…..but a full-fledged GIFT!
Be sure to let us know the full retail value of your Donation, too!
While you are making your Donation,
feel free to purchase tickets for you and your office!
Your generous Gifts and Donations will be publicized via social media
and through the Chamber E-Blasts, identifying your business
as the generous Donor, along with the prize itself and the winner!
The East Lake County Chamber is a 501(c)(6) Not-For-Profit organization,
and our Tax ID # is 59-2681656, if you need this information
for your Donation records. Please be aware that not all Donations
are tax deductible, but your Donation is graciously accepted and appreciated.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the Chamber.
All prizes must be in the Chamber office by Friday, November 29, 2024.
If you would like someone to pick up your Donation, just let us know.
Lastly, if you would like to purchase tickets
(hey….what a great idea for Staff & Friend Gifts!!!),
give the office a call. Thank you so much,
and here’s to a wonderful and prosperous Holiday Season!
Merry Christmas!!!